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Your Librarian

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Librarian  (Sr. Library)

        Rajesh Dahiya has over  20 years of experience as a librarian. He has worked for 6 years and 5 months in Navodaya Vidyalaya. He has a master's degree both in 'Library and Information Science' and' Hindi.' He has been a Nodal Librarian (Zone-23Distt-South) for  6 years. Rajesh Dahiya enjoys keeping the collections at VCSG Sr. Sec. Library as relevant as possible, and is always looking for new ways to get more people to use our extensive library resources.

         During Covid-19 Rajesh Dahiya, Librarian was digitalized with its very own first of it's Kind website. "" for reaching to all students ensuring continuous learning without any Loss of Learning due to Lockdown

          The library plays a vital role in the development of basic reading skills. The success of the school library depends on the willingness of the librarian and his patience to help the students by providing the books and information of their interest. Librarians, teachers, and parents have to play an important role in motivating students to read books by creating a good reading environment for them which helps in developing the reading habits in students as they help them to continue the same when they move to a higher level of learning.

!!Your suggestions for improvement are always welcome


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Mr. Rajesh Dahiya(Librarian)- The State Teachers Award- 2021

Library Rules

  1. All students and staff of the school are members of the library.

  2. A student can borrow only one book for Primary Students, two books for class 6th -8th  students and 03 books (Two General books + 01 Subjective book) for class9th  -12th  students at a time for a period of 14 days.

  3. A staff member can borrow a maximum of five books at a time for a period of one month.

  4. Books will be issued to the students, during the library periods. No book will be issued or returned during the teaching hours.

  5. Cutting, Marking, underlining or writing on library books, periodicals, and newspapers are strictly forbidden.

  6.  Reference books/tools like encyclopedias, dictionaries, Atlas, Globe, Textbooks (class 9to12) etc. and current periodicals will not be issued to any member. These can be consulted in the library during the library periods.  However, for the purpose of project work and special assignments the students may get these books issued on request from the teacher concerned.

  7. The Librarian may call for a book at any time, even if the normal period of loan has not expired.

  8. After reading, make sure that the books, periodicals and newspapers are kept back at their respective places.

  9. The members should take good care of library furnishings and equipment. Make sure the library looks as good when you leave as it did when you came in.

  10. Drinks and food are not allowed in the Library.

  11. A ‘No Dues Certificate’  is to be obtained by each student from the Librarian while his/her transfer/withdrawal from the school.

  12. Strict order and silence shall be maintained in the library and speak softly if needed.

About Our Libraries

              “The school library provides information and ideas that are fundamental to functioning successfully in today's information and knowledge-based society. The school library equips students with life-long learning skills and develops the imagination, enabling them to live as responsible citizens”.- The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)


                 Proper utilization of the library in the academic life of a student ensures the development of human values and also shapes his attitude to strive towards perfection.  School Library encourages curiosity, innovation and problem-solving. It is integral to the cultural and social life of the school. The school library is a central point for all kinds of reading, cultural activities, access to information, knowledge building, deep thinking and lively discussion.

The school library is a centre of attraction for students and staff also

  •   Main Library (Exclusive Library) for students of classes 9 to 12.

  •   A separate Middle Library for students of classes 6 to 8.

  •   In every section of the primary, there is also a class library.

Exclusive (Main) library


         The Main Exclusive library of our school is on the first floor in the Block-A (main building) of the school. The School library has a collection of over 4800 (Appox.)  books and 95 Reference tools. 63 Audio Visuals.


         Our library is computerized & well furnished, our library has full natural light. There is a seating arrangement for 50 Students. Classification of library books done by DDC scheme and cataloguing done by AACR-2 scheme. Our Library is offering online services to the members of the library through this library website.


         The library is the information hub of the Vidyalaya fully automated and offers online services through Library Website, blog, Digital Repository and Mobile App.

Middle Library(Class 6th to 8th)

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           Middle Library has been introduced in 400  Vidyalayas under Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi for classes 6thto 8th. The Middle Libraries will function as a real resource centre for learning. This will not only promote reading habits among our early readers but will also connect them with the huge world of knowledge. Head of School in every school is a centre point for every academic activity of the school and Middle Library is also an integral part of the school academic activity. Head of Schools can always introduce innovative ideas to have an effective and good Middle library which can enhance the creativity of children.                                                                                                                         

             The Middle library of our school is on the second floor in the Block-B (New(Red) building) of the school. The Middle library has a collection of over 823  books. Our Middle library is well maintained and furnished, our library has full natural light. There is a seating arrangement for 50 Students. In-charge of Middle Library is Sh. Om Prakash (TGT(Sanskrit) works enthusiastically and efficiently in the library.

Classroom Library (Class Nursery to 5th (Primary))

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              Classroom Library has been introduced in all the Sarvodaya Vidyalayas under Directorate of Education, GNCT, Delhi for classes Nursery to Five. The Class Libraries will function as a real resource centre for learning. This will not only promote reading habits among our early readers but will also connect them with the huge world of knowledge. Head of School in every school is a centre point for every academic activity of the school and Class Library is also an integral part of the school academic activity. Head of Schools can always introduce innovative ideas to have an effective and good class library which can enhance the creativity of children.  In every section of the primary, there is also a class library. In-charge of the class library is the class teacher.

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The school has a 'room to read' library for primary students. The library has 1322 books. our school’s Room to Read’ Library is on the Ground floor in the Block-C of the school. In-charge of the “Room to Read” Library is Ms Jyoti Gill.

Library committee (2024-25)

     Meet The Team

Mr. Manoj Kumar



Mr.Rajesh Dahiya



   Ms.Sarita Sagar

Lecturer (Physics)


Mr.Hoshyar Singh

               Lecturer (Geography))​



TGT (Sanskrit)/ Middle Library I/c


   Mr.Rajesh Singh



VCSG Library

All ©2023 by [vcsg sr. sec. library]

Designed by Rhythm Dahiya

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